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Huma - Las tres fases del movimiento

12" Vinyl

Huma is the personal project of Andrés Satué, half of the duo Esquelas, project in which they released “Inciso” (Ensmble) and more recently “Un pozo lleno de anzuelos” (Bestiarie). He was participant in the RedBull Muisc Academy BassCamp in Madrid 2015. He is also cofounder of Versal and Bicefal.

This is his first EP as Huma. “Las tres fases del movimiento" is based on two ideas, on one hand the three phases of movement of Meyerhold biomechanics, and on the other hand the three phases of movement in bodybuilding. Joining these two ideas he generates a very physical, visceral and emotional journey.

«A visceral and emotion-laden situation that sometimes seems to set in front of the abyss, but the most important thing is that it generates a movement.» —David Gozálvez, Neonized

"... Huma manages to make his music a purely corporeal act: his cuts are like dancers who move in complex and different ways in space. Sometimes they move as if they want to touch the sky ... » — Fantastic Plastic

«The intersection between extreme, saturation and depth is what describes this new project of Andrés Satué ...» — Frankie Pizá, This Is Underground


  • Image of Huma - Las tres fases del movimiento